Girls Camp Day 1 :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

This last week I got to spend some great time at Girls Camp! We went to Camp Mia Shalom. It was beautiful the entire time! I was loving it! I had so much fun spending time with the girls and leaders and getting to know everyone a bit more :)
I got to drive the trailer up to haul our food and camping gear! I was a bit nervous to drive it because I have not hauled anything in a few years, but it was really fun! No biggie ;)
Our first evening roll call! We were on time and ready to go! Wahoo!
The beautiful water front! Heading down for some canoe time!
After canoeing we had some beach volley ball and free time.
Hanging around our camp site. Ruth made the cutest purple flag banner to go around the canopies. They were so dang cute!
We had a lovely dinner and enjoyed a relaxing evening getting settled in camp!


  1. HOW FUN! I would kill to have had you as a leader back then.

  2. Oh man it's been ages since i've been to girls camp. Looks like day 1 was a success!

  3. I'd be nervous driving up the trailer as well, good job! Girl's Camp is such a fun experience, looks like you guys had a good time.
