Last day of Girls Camp :) Friday/Saturday

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday was our last day of camp! The Bishopric and some of their wives were coming up to camp, so  it was time to clean up our camp site and make it look fresh again!
Ok, I am in love with potguts. They are so dang cute! They made me so happy seeing them running around everyday! Here is one jumping in the fire, jumping up on a grate and eating marshmallow off a skewer  So cute!
I feel so bad for all the animal life that ended on our account at camp. One Potgut, one squirrel (fell in a water bucket and drowned :( and 5 mice. Poor little animals. It was not fair for them. I hope they are in animal heaven having a good life and eating all they want!
Hanging out around our camp site having some free time. Most of us working on trying to finish our Incredigirl necklaces...including myself ;)
This year, LDS Girls Camp reached 100 years of tradition! Whooooa! We got to celebrate and have a party, play games and even hit a pinata!
This was my favorite game! Pin the tail on the Potgut!
Getting ready for dinner! The Bishop and his wife brought us up subs! YUM! The bottom pictures, some of the girls are getting ready some dutch oven cobbler for dessert!
At the last roll call, I got my necklace! Wahoo!
Jake was a gem and came up to camp! I was sooooo happy to see him! I was out of town for 2 weeks before camp, and was home for 2 days before I left for girls camp again, so I was so happy to give my husband a big hug and kiss! The stake was hilarious and some how rounded up some of the girls to "borrow" some of the mens items that all came up to camp, so the men would have to do the Tinker-bell Dance to get there items back! When you lost something at camp, you got to go up and dance with everyone else who forgot there stuff somewhere that day. It was so funny seeing the men all do. We were all laughing and loving it!

Friday night ended with Testimony Meeting(sharing our feelings and what we know about life and God). Then we all ate cobbler and more subs to top off the night!
Saturday was a long day of packing up camp and cleaning up! Here is cute Mckenzie and I.

Here is our cute ward! All ready to leave camp and remember some super awesome memories!

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