another great day at the pool

Sunday, August 5, 2012

 2 of the many faces of Reid! Wow, he is always making the cutest faces! I love this boy! When we were in California, we got to have a fun pool day! Reid got some new floaties and was looking good! These are my last California fun pictures :)
 Mallory, Alyssa (I love this picture of her!) Lindy, and Reid!
Under wanter pics! Bree, Brandon, Alyssa and Reid.  Reid was soooo proud of himself for sticking his head under the water. He normally does not got under water all by himself, so he liked to show everyone how he would dunk his head in the water all by himself :)
 I was loving holding Lindy in the water! She was having so much fun splashing! She wanted to go all the way in the water under in the water!
 Lindy and her Grandma Lindy have a real strong bond. They are the best of friends!
This was the last day with my sister Amber before she moved to Arizona! Whooop whoop!!! I am soo excited for her and her family to be living in Arizona now! I will sure miss going to see them in California though. 
Walking home from a long day at the pool! It was a splendid time!

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