Seattle Woodland Park Zoo

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jake, Tuna and I LOVED Woodland Park Zoo! It was amazing! It had a cute farm area, warthogs, bears, white wolf, hippos and other animals we have not seen at other zoos! We also got to see lots of animals there being really friendly and fun to us! We arrived at the zoo right at 9:30 when it opened! I was glad we did because when we left around 1:30 it was getting a bit more crowded. Still fun to be there, but for some animals you would have to wait to get up to the front and see what was going on.
Pigs, goat, Jake
Jake and I got to go into a neat exhibit and feed some birds! It was a dollar for a bird seed stick and the birds just jumped right on the stick and started to eat! I was nervous because birds kinda scare me...but they were so friendly and sweet! I would do it again!
My cute bird I got to feed :)
Feeding flamingo time!
Isn't this Jaguar awesome?! So pretty! I was so glad I got a close up picture with her!
Frogs, snake, newt, turtles making love.
Mommy gorilla
Jake and I spent quite a bit of time at the penguin exhibit! So many of them were full of energy and super fun to watch. Several really liked to interact and have a bit of fun with us!
Making lots of new friends today.
 Can you tell I was not happy when they started picking on each also scared me a little bit...
These Egyptian Tortoises were my favorite! They could of not been any cuter! The smallest one we saw was maybe barely 1.5 inches long. I wanted to take them all home! I want an Egyptian Tortoise so bad now! They were so dang cute!
Tunas head is about 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches big and wide, length, all of it and the tortoises were smaller! It was hard to capture a picture of their super cute size.
Snake, kangaroo, alligator, sleeping fox
White wolf!
Brown bears!
Lion, elephant, eagle, river otter
To end our time at the zoo, we ate hot dogs and got some treats in the gift shop! I love gift shops! I am always a sucker for buying souvenirs ;)

1 comment

  1. I haven't been to the zoo in YEARS! Now I want to go soooo badly!
