weekly update

Monday, August 20, 2012

This has been a pretty exciting week! I got in organizing mode and bought tubs to organize everything in our house. I couldn't pass up the hot pink!
Monday night, Jake and I went to our first Japanese speaking lesson! It was fun. It is going to be a long road though!
I did a lot of..wearing pjs all week. At least I felt buff :)
Tuesday, I made a bunch of new friends who were so dang cute! They also like to blog and party!
Wednesday, Jake and I got to meet up on his lunch break. We happend to both be wearing matching shoes ;)
I finally found the perfect scissors for my carpal tunnel hands and wrists. They are only 3 inches and really light! Wahoo!
This week was a big week for me on my store! I hit 200 sales! I have never been so excited and happy! (well..maybe the day I was married would count to :)

Thursday night, Jake and I had Korean Sword fighting! That was a blast! I think it would be really good for my posture.
Friday, I spent all day making treats for our Sunday School class and Relief Society. I made 120 cake pops.  Sunday was a big day for me, I sang in the choir in sacrament meeting, taught Sunday school and taught Relief Society, and had Jakes family over for dinner.  I was pooped. It was fun though :)
Saturday was a blast! Jake and I went on a hot air ballon ride, ate brunch, took a nap, did laundry, cleaned the house, and got dinner ready for Sunday. I was excited about making pazzokies!
At 9pm...Jake and I left the house, ate at Happy Sumo for dinner, went to Target and came home and I practiced my Relief Society lesson. I was a little nervous to teach because it was my first Relief Society lesson I had ever taught! I was excited though because I loved the topic I got to speak on!
 Vegas Roll, and Firecracker Roll!
Best Tuna ever! To eat that is...
I love the cute soaps we got from Target! Could not resist!
Sunday lessons, and day I was really happy how it went! It was really fun to see Jakes family and spend some time with them. I made beef stroganoff, salad and rolls and pazzookies. It all turned out great! Wahoo!
Sunday afternoon, my sister Cami sent me the cutest picture of my nephew Gavin in a bow tie I gave him! He looked so dang handsome. She said he loves his bow ties and wears one every week! So cute! I thought I would take a picture of Jake looking so handsome in his bow tie to to match Gavin :)
Jake got to do home teaching after his family left, so I decided to do something relaxing. I took a warm bubble bath and watched episodes of Wipeout on the ipad. It was so much fun! I love bubble baths and TV. They go great together :) When Jake got home, we watched movies, ate snacks and candy, played Nientedo and had a relaxing Sunday evening! What a wonderful week! I am glad to have Relief Society teaching over to! It was a great experience and I really enjoyed teaching, but glad for it to be done :)


  1. What a great week! Those pazzookies look incredible!

  2. Thats so awesome you are teaching RS!!!! I wish I could have been there, I'm sure you did great!

  3. wow what a fun and busy week! i cant beleive you taught sunday school and relief society. more than one calling? good job! and those treats all look bomb. i wanna hang out with you and cook and bake and throw parties, seriously. dang it haha hawaii is TOO FAR!

  4. Those cake pops are adorable! I remember the first time I taught in Relief Society, I think I wad like 20...I felt so inexperienced and unqualified! But to do that, Sunday School, and a family dinner in one day, that's super hero quality right there :)
