Sky Diving in Moab :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

A couple of weekends ago, Jake and I got to go on a super fun trip to Moab to go skydiving! This is something that always has sounded fun to me! Luckily, Jake was totally up for it and took me! He is the best! He is always helping me cross things off my bucket list :) Here is one of my favorite photos from the day! Can you tell we are upside down, looking at the sky? :)
At the Moab airport!
We went skydiving with Canyonlands and loved it! They were all so kind and made an exciting trip for us!
I wish we got pictures of Jake. That is my only regret! I would of loved to seen his face jumping out of a plane!
The plane...
 Up in the air! I think that was one of my favorite parts! I was so excited to go, I went first! I loved sitting in the plane (with no side door, so you can jump out..) and seeing all the beautiful scenery! I loved seeing all the pretty colors and rocks in Moab.
 Here we are ready to go!
 Getting ready to jump! Wahoo!
 Here we go!!!!!! I am loving my guides face in this picture!
 Doing some flips in the air! I LOVED that!
 I never knew my nose could get so big.... :)
 I got to steer the parachute! It was so fun! Its crazy how you slightly start to pull one arm down, and it will completely turn you around!
I LOVE skydiving! Jake liked it to. He was a good sport! I really want to go again sometime! Maybe in a tropical place next?!
Jake and I were on cloud nine when we left the airport. We had so much fun skydiving and felt it was amazing! We also saw 3 of these cool lizards on our way out.


  1. Oh my gosh you are so much braver than I am! I don't think I could ever go sky diving because I seriously would have a heart attack!
    Those pictures are fantastic! Now you need to try parasailing! I think that is something I could do.

  2. hahaha i love these pics, so rad. you look so at peace, not even scared! i cant wait to do this,t here is one about twenty minutes from where we live that takes you over the ocean. wanna do it so bad!

  3. I am like Cara. I would just freak and my heart would stop. You are one brave woman Kels. Love seeing all the fam pix too. Love, Auntie R. in Tex.

  4. Kelsey, that looks absolutely so fun and adventurous, jealous here. I'm so glad that you enjoyed it.
