weekly update - wow food, girls night, stacey in town, marathon...and more!

Monday, September 24, 2012

This has been quite an exciting and great week! We had company, lots of eating out....and lots of fun! Monday night for FHE, Jake and I went and ate at Happy Sumo! Yum! After dinner we went and checked on our house and looked for updates :)
This week I ran a deal on veryjane.com! Holy cow! I cante believe how amazing it went! Thanks so much to all of you who helped on this :)
I also leveled up to level 8 on my Turf game! Whoop whoop!
Tuesday, tickets for SNAP went up! I was so excited I got one to go to it with my friend Diana! I hope to meet lots of fun new people to!
Tuesday for dinner...PIZZA!
Wednesday I had a lunch date with my friend Kelly Peacock I met at Girls Camp this last summer. Her and I are both Disney freaks and food addicts. Her and I went to a new place in provo called Station 22. Oh wow...I loved it!! I must go back! It was all so delicious!
Wednesday night, Diana and Alycia came over to party! We all went and looked at our house together, went to In and Out Burger for dinner, and....
On the way home from Yogurtland, my car was sounding kind of funky. We were all cracking up when we found a cup...with water still in it from Alycia. She put a cup on my tire and it never came out. It was so funny!
Us girls had so much fun staying up till 1 in the morning talking and having a blast! 
Thursday Stacey James came in town! Oh I have been so dang excited for that girl to come! I have missed her so much ever since she moved to California! I got to pick her up from the airport! After a fun drive, we ended up at Cafe Rio to meet up with some friends! Jake got off work and was able to come join us to :) I got pork tamales! Yum!
 Jake got a pork burrito! Yum! We shared our meals so we could have some of each!
Friday morning, we met up with some of Stacey's friends from her study abroad in Jerusalem at Kneaders for breakfast! All the girls were so dang cute and I love Kneaders sour dough pancakes!
After a great breakfast, Stacey and I drove to Jakes work and met up with him and our mortgage broker to sign some papers. Come to find out, him and Stacey had a ton of funny people connections. After Stacey and I drove to Salt Lake to go to the LDS Temple.
 We had a wonderful time!
 After, we went to Kneaders again.. haha (two times in one day :) and got dinner! I got my favorite...turkey, bacon, avocado sandwich on focasicia bread..YUM! Then we went and picked up Staceys packet/bag for her marathon she was running in the morning!
I cant believe I got to see Stacey run a marathon! Holy cow! She did so dang amazing! She never stopped running once! She was amazing! I am still so proud of her! Jake and I actually really enjoyed being at the race, when we got home that day...we signed up for a half marathon! I guess now we need to learn how to run...
 We got to cheer Stacey on though out the course. The couse was marked really well, and there were tons of spots to pull off to the side of the road and cheer her and other runners on. On one side street we saw Great Harvest, and we had to pull over and get some pumpkin chocolate chip bread! Its Stacey's favorite :)
Holy cow! She did! Check out that cool metal! 26.2 miles down for Stacey!
 I was so glad I had my first aid kit in my car. Stacey poor feet.....she had lots of blisters.. she was amazing!
 For lunch, we went to The Cheesecake Factory. Jake and I got some avocado egg rolls,
Oreo cheesecake and buffalo stripes! YUM! After lunch, we all went back home, showered, relaxed a little bit, and then went over to our friend Megan's.
After, we went to Comedy Sports! We really enjoyed it and had fun! I think it was the best show we have been to yet!
 When we got home at 10:30 the party continued! We had pazzokies and friends over! It was a great time!
 Stacey ending the night off with some icing.
 When I came to bed, I found Jake like this...shoes on and all. He is so cute :)
Sunday morning, Jake made us some CCP's! Yum! Then sadly it was time to say goodbye to Stacey. I had so much fun with her here! She is such an amazing friend! I am so happy she came to visit!

Sunday for church we got to watch the Brigham City Temple dedication. Pretty neat!
The night ended with leveling up on Turf to level 9! Yeah! What an amazing party week! Now it is time for me to get some serious elephant stuffed animal sewing done!


  1. Ok, this post made me extremely hungry. I officially want to go to every restaurant you went to. Love the SL temple.

  2. Look at all that food girl! Haha I LOVE you!
