Birthday in the Park

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Last Saturday afternoon we got to spend it with Jakes family to celebrate Jakes dads Birthday! Wahoo! We all met up at a park where Jakes parents got it all set up with some yummy food and decor!
Dad, Nathan, Baby Calvin, Joanna, Claire, Mom, Jake
For lunch we had chicken fingers, side salads, watermelon, and homeade apple pie! It was delicious!
Playing in the park. I loved seeing how cute my mother in law is! She was climbing up, rolling around, and playing all over the park with the grandkids. I was loving it! I cant wait for her to be Jake and I's kids grandma someday!
Thanks mom and dad for a great celebration! We had so much fun seeing everyone and having a great time at the park.
Tuna saw some horses on the way to our car. He loves horses.

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