weekly update

Monday, September 17, 2012

This has been a great and super busy week! Monday, I got to visit Jake at work and meet with our health coach. That was fun :)
Then I ran a bunch of errands. I wanted all these kids clothes in my size......
I ended up coming home with these....
Then I ran to the fabric store! I did a veryjane.com deal this past week and it went amazing! Thank you to all who helped on that! So, I needed lots of fabric to make some elephants.
My parents are building a guest house and it is looking so amazing! My dad text me these pictures of the family room ceiling. I love this library look! I loved all the colors my parents picked out to! The guest house is coming along so amazing! I cant wait to go see it in person!
Tuesday night I had a ward Relief Society activity! We had dinner, some fun classes and met some new friends. I went to the canning class and loved it! That is something I would really like to get into. I know nothing about it, but I have a good place to start. When we get in our new house, and I settled in, I want to start canning!
Wednesday was a great day! I got to go to the dentist (all went well! no cavities) picked up lunch, and took it to Jakes work for us to eat! Oh yum! Then I went and got my hair done!
That night we made pazookies! YUM! We tried cookies and cream ice cream with it....way to rich...we will stick to vanilla from now on...
Thursday....I cant even remember the day? I know we did Five Guys at 10pm for dinner though.
Thursday night was a late night of crafting. Jake cracks me up. He is so dang cute. He always wants to be around me..even if that means he is sleeping in the corner of a small twin bed in the craft room ;)
So there is the game called "Turf" that Jake and I are obsessed with playing on our phones. He started this game months before me. When I started playing I became addicted. I was so excited when I got to level seven! 
Friday, Jake and I met up for lunch at Sleepy Ridge Golf Course with some of his fellow workers :) They love to come eat here every Friday and the BmBlt. That is Bacon..more bacon, lettuce tomato sandwich! Oh wow. Lets just say the bacon is amazing!!!!!!!!! I am craving it! We will for sure go here again to eat!
Friday I also got an awesome package in the mail from my pen pal! I was so excited!!!!!!! I LOVED all of it! Its so me :)
Saw this car driving....I knew who ever was in that car we would instantly be friends!
Friday night, I got to go to the funnest girls night out ever! Here are my new friends Jenna, Ashley, Amy, Alycia and Diana! We had so much fun snacking on food and treats and talking till midnight! I hope we all get to do it again soon!
Saturday I sewed all day. Quite fun :) In the evening, Jake and I's ward had Stake Conference, so we had adult session in the evening. After we went to In and Out Burger for dinner! Did you know you could get green chillies on the side or in your burger?! I had no idea till my eyelash client Sarah told me about it this past week! So I had been dying to try it! I go the chilies on my burger and it was the best decision ever! It really gave the burger a little extra yummy kick!
Sunday I was not feeling very well, so Jake took care of me all day. He was so sweet. Got me fun shows to watch, made breakfast, lunch and dinner, got me cozy with a millon blankets on top of me so I wouldn't be cold. He is so sweet.
My favorite Sunday breakfast. CCPS :) A wonderful week! I am so excited to visit our house being built this week to! Every day is a new adventure! We are meeting up with Monte the amazing cabinet man on Monday morning. I cant wait!


  1. I love these kinds of "every-day-life" posts so much! And your husband seems absolutely precious, with the sleeping on the tiny bed while you craft, and taking care of you while you're sick. Precious. Hope you're better now!

  2. yay! so glad you got it! yours came today too, perfect! I may have to hide the pillow from Judah cause he is super excited about Halloween already :) haha :) thank you thank you thank you!!!!

  3. i can't get over how amazing that ceiling in your parent's guest room looks! i want that. now.
