Cars Land and California Adventure

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Last Friday, Jake and I got to go meet up with my mom in California and go to Disneyland and California Adventure! None of us had been to cars land yet,  so that is the first place we headed!
Cars land is adorable! It made me want to watch Cars again!
We went straight to Radiator Springs Racers. Of course at 9:45 all the fast passes were out till Midnight .... but we lucked out. The ride closed to get a car off track, so we waited in front of the sign, and when the ride opened up again, we got right on! Wahoo! I was sooo glad we got to ride it!
Walking to the ride! We were loving all the details everywhere! Lighting, neat fixtures, disney always does it right!
Glass bottle wall
We had no idea that they took your picture on this ride! I think this is the best picture we have ever gotten on a ride because normally we know where the camera is. This ride, no idea...
Mator driving around
The Cozy Cone Motel was my favorite. We were dying at all their play on words to. If you read the signs you will see how super funny they are!
Lifes great when you are drinking out of a cone.
Chili cone and pretzels in a cone! Those were both AMAZING and must gets! We got an apple icey, and that was not our favorite. It tasted a little to sweet. Maybe it was the apples :)
Checked out the new Ghiradelli factory. Super cute!
Watched Minnie and her girls!
5 and dime
Animation Studios! A must!
We did a new thing called "Dance with Disney." It was super cute! They had 7 characters come out for a dance party! They each had a little skit and show. It was super fun to go to! We danced and had a great time! You can also get pictures with all the characters to if you want!
Did some shopping after! I got 3 new disney shirts! Wahoo! Mom got matching Mickey shoes! I think everyone needs a pair! They are super comfy and cute!
Tuna got his first set of Mickey ears. Sadly they were a little to big. I guess he will grow in to them.... :)


  1. This looks like such a super fun day! The whole Cars Land seems perfect and exactly like the city in the movie! I would love to visit there :) And the food you ate there looks amazing too! What a great idea to serve chili in that edible cone! And I'm kinda obsessed with soft pretzels right now too, so that makes me drool a little bit. Looks like a awesome day with your hubby and mama!

  2. oh my goodness!! this looks like so much fun!! can't wait to take my kids when they are a little bit older. have never been to california adventures before. looks like so much fun!

  3. I'm so excited to take my son to Cars Land! We just moved down here a couple of weeks ago, and haven't had a chance to take him yet. I want to see the Halloween decorations, but I've heard it looks the best at Christmas time!! I can't wait :)

  4. WOW HOW FUN you live the life. that car land is awesome and that food looks so dang good gosh eat it for me!
