Its fall time up the Provo Canyon :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Last Saturday Jake and I went for a fun relaxing walk up Provo Canyon Trail! Oh wow, it could of not been a more beautiful time of the year, and time to break in Jakes new running shoes! I love Utah in the fall! The weather is perfect..(not to cold) and just so dang beautiful out!
Jake having fun touching moss. 
So many different colors out! So pretty!
After our fun walk, we drove to Heber, to eat at Jakes favorite mexican food restaurant called Tarahumara. The chips and salsa are amazing there! There is a salsa bar with 30 plus different kinds of salsas and dips to try! Its pretty dang fun!
Jake got pork tamales! They were amazing! I will get this next time we go!
I got stuffed chili peppers. It was good, but not my favorite thing I have ordered there!
The drive home through the canyon was just as beautiful as our walk today! I LOVE Provo Canyon!


  1. OH MY GOSH GORGEOUS! man these pics literally made my heart ache they are so gorgeous and i truly seriously miss this so badly :( what a gorgeous time of year. i love utah in the fall too. wish i had my favorite season :( and your house is so dang nice, looks amazing. cant wait to see how you decorate :) glad life is so good for ya!!

  2. These are gorgeous, trees look beautiful x

  3. Gorgeous!!!! I love Provo Canyon, I go up every weekend. My fav! Great pictures!!! :)
