Mickeys Halloween Party!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I cant tell you how much Jake and I were looking forward to going to Mickeys Halloween Party! We went last year, and we decided, we must go every year that we can! Not only is it extra magical, its just all around AMAZING! And trick or treating all night? Count me in! It was so fun to have my mom there! I was sooo glad she could come join us! I love spending time with her and enjoying some holidays with her!
Workers getting ready for the party! I was loving their outfits this year! So dang cute! The green shirts had purple bats on them! The men for bow ties, had bat bow ties, and the women had batty headbands! Oh my sooo dang cute!
My cute husband. He is happy he got a churro :)
You are never to old to Trick or Treat at Disneyland! We were having so much fun trick or treating, we did it the entire evening! We didn't even make it to all the trick or treating stations! There was just so much to do and see!
Candy! Candy!
We got skewers and snacks at the Bangled Barbecue! Then more trick or treating!
Gouls singing with fog misted over the water by Tom Sawyer/Pirates Layer.
Zero making his appearance over the castle!
Fire work show! The halloween shows at Disneyland are spectacular! The best ones all year! And thats saying alot, because disneyland fireworks are always awesome! During the show they light up the castle different colors, with different halloween images on it like pumpkins, or dancing skeletons! There were even parts of the show with flaming fire!
Pumpkins around Walter and Mickey statue.
                               Jafar! They had all the Villans out for picture taking!
Spider webs all over the buildings! So cute!
Mickeys Halloween Party Parade! We got amazing front row bench seats and it made the show even more amazing! We got to relax our feet and get re energized to keep trick or treating till midnight!
To top of the night, we saw PERRY!!!!!!!! Can you see how happy Jake is?! Perry is his favorite! We saw Phienas and Ferb earlier, and we told Jake to go get his picture, but he said "Oh I wish it were Perry, but I dont think a Perry figure exists " Little did we know it did! We saw Perry right before the park closed! Perfect way to end the day!
Wow, what an amazing night at Mickeys!!!! Just weighing my candy in the morning.........
Yum!!!!!!!! Let the candy eating begin!

1 comment

  1. 16 lbs of candy?! Oh my! Although I see raisins in there...raisins don't count ;) Looks like you pumpkins had tons of fun!
