weekly update

Monday, October 22, 2012

This has been a great week! Started packing...no food in the fridge so we are eating out....life is great! Monday after running and looking at the new house being built, Jake and I went to In and Out Burger, and Krispy Kreme Donuts! YUM! I am so excited to move into our house! The process of building has been a mostly smooth one, but its just been super time consuming, so Jake and I are both excited for it to all someday soon be done! I would totally build again in the future because this has been such a good experience, but we are just getting so antsy and want to move in!
Cutest donuts ever! I love the pumpkin face!
Monday afternoon, our granite came in the shop, so we went to check it out! Its crazy how each slab looks so different  even if they are the same kind of stone. But we were happy with it! I didn't want a lot of tans in it, so I was happy it looked super gray! Yeah!
Tuesday night for dinner, Jake and I enjoyed some always delicious Happy Sumo! We got a "firecracker," Sweet Heart," Vegas Roll, and I cant remember the other one! We liked them all!
Wednesday I got to go on a super fun Date with Alycia! We had fun searching stores for swim googles! We had no idea they were a "seasonal item" and no where to be found! After a hard search and being scared from witnessing a car accident (everyone looked like they were ok) we went to get some cupcakes and dinner! Sweet Tooth Fairy, spiced up Halloween with the cutest cupcakes! Here is Alycia with hers!
For dinner we went to Terria Mia. It was good! It was fun to have some girl time and enjoy a yummy dinner! I think Alycia looks good with 3 eyes :)
Thursday I enjoyed a fun day at Gardner Village! It was "Witch Fest" and fall break for kids, so I didnt realize how crowded it would be! It was still fun, but it was hard to go around at look at all the witches. To crowded! There was fun food vendors and other neat activities going on for the event though! I went to my favorite fabric store Pine Needles to pick up some much needed fabric! I am so excited to make elephants out of the new fabrics I bought!
Sunday night I made some treats! Dark chocolate pineapple wedges, and strawberries! Some of Jake and I's Favorites! I also got to hang out with Alycia and finally meet her husband Trevor, and play with Diana! It was so great! I love that I have some friends now in Utah! Its wonderful!
When Jake and I went to visit Alycia, Tuna met a new friend! Snort is her name! And she is quite a cutie! :)


  1. i tried to be cool and post some food pics too, but your food you post always looks so delicious and i don't even eat sushi and it looks good. hahaha. looks like a great weekend, that pumpkin donut! i must go and get one now!

    good to see tuna is branching out and meeting other. :)

  2. hahaha you are killing me right now Kels :) I love Tuna and Snort together! I wonder what color their children would come out? haha LOVE YOUR counter top! Can't wait to see it in person :)
