Girls Night Out: Pizzeria Seven Twelve

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Last week I got to join some cute girls for dinner! We met at Pizzeria Seven Twelve!
Alycia, Kelsey, Ashley, Amy, Ashley
Here is my pizza! It was super yummy! I do feel, the food is overpriced here meal was over $20.00 for one small pizza. It was delicious though!
Sadly when we were leaving, I got an email that my cute Grandma Bang died. I was so glad I was surrounded by good friends to keep a smile on my face :) All of us ladies had a great time laughing, and having fun! Alycia was talking about Santa during one part of the night..and may of ruined Christmas this year for one little boy who was staring right at her while she was discussing..."Santa Claus."

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