weekly update

Monday, October 29, 2012

This has been a great week for me, and a few lows to. The main reason for the lows is I am worried about our house getting done in time and its making Jake and I both stressed. Also packing..and my sweet Grandma Bang passed away.  Isnt this picture awesome?! haha Jake and I found it on our driveway all crumbled up. Its now hanging on our fridge.
Tuesday Jake came and brought me cupcakes on his lunch break. Such a sweet boy!
Tuna wanted to hang out with Jake on Wednesday when I met up with some fun girls for dinner. Jake always makes sure Tuna is safe.
Thursday woke up to hearing cars sloshing in water. I looked out the window and thought it was a rainy day..but it was snow! I was so suprised! Winter is here!!!
Breakfast of Champions. Opps, I ate this all in one day...I LOVE oreos!
There was a pretty sunset outside and I asked Jake to take a picture. I found this on my phone later! I thought it was pretty funny :)
Friday night Jake and I got ready for our 1/2 marathon in the morning! It was a halloween run, so we were pretty excited! Sadly, we were planning on training and didn't at all....Jake ran a few times a week in the mornings, but I didn't at all. That was lame of me :)
Saturday morning, ready for our run! We had alot of fun! More pictures coming soon :)
 After the 1/2 Tuna was proud that he ran the whole way, he got a medal!
Sunday, our bodies were exhausted and mad at us, haha so we laid in bed (with tons of icepacks) all day eating treats and watching movies. We went to church, said our last goodbyes. That was exciting and sad. Its been a great ward we have been able to be part of, but I am excited for a new one! I am ready for some good changes coming in the next few weeks!

1 comment

  1. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Giving you a big internet hug :)
    Your food set up in the last picture looks amazing! Is that homemade atrichoke dip? You should post a recipe for that on your blog :)
    Also good luck on your house this week. Hope you are able to move in soon...mainly becaus I can't wait to see how you will decorate it. It's all going to be great!
