Doll House Festival

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Last Friday, my cute mother in law and I had a super fun afternoon together! We went to the Provo Library to go check out the Doll House Festival. The festival had lots of doll houses and goodies to buy to go to a charity to help abused girls :( It breaks my heart to even think of children being hurt. We were glad we were able to go support and see some cute doll houses!
 A christmas one! After looking at doll houses we looked around at the goodies and got a few treats!
 After my mom treated me to a yummy lunch at Station 22. I love it there! Their french fries might be my favorite thing on the menu! I got a pork, apple, cheese, grilled sandwich! I really liked it!
My mother in law got the Ratatouille Sandwhich. She seemed to really like it, except that it was a little messy.
We shared a basket of fries! Oh so yummy! I had a great afternoon with my cute mother! What a great Friday!


  1. What a brilliant cause, I love the Christmas house.. reminds me of my old dolls house! x

  2. Those are incredible. I saw this really awesome doll house on a trip once, there was even a book about it... clearly I bought it. haha. Loved meeting you last night!

    Love, The Skinnys
