Girls Night Out: Bowling!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Last Friday night was a fun evening! I got to meet some new friends/bloggers at FatCats for some bowling and Costa Vida :) It was really fun! I seriously love meeting new people and making new friends! Its so much fun! Everyone that came was super nice and way cute! I loved it! If any of you ever want to come to fun get togethers, there is always room for more to come!
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
Ashley, myself, Alycia, Dana, Jenna, Brittany, Diana. Later in the evening Diana had to leave and a Bri came and took her bowling spot! It worked out perfect!
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 We bowled to games, had fun playing, and goofing around!
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
After bowling, Ashley and Alycia and I were talking in the parking lot. We were not ready for the fun to end, so we went to The Chocolate to get some dessert! It was so packed and crowed there the entire time! It was so loud, but it was still fun! We all shared funny love stories and had fun talking.
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 Ashley and Alycia got hot chocolate! Its crazy its cold enough outside to enjoy a hot chocolate!
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
I always have to get a cazookie and a glass of milk! Yum! Great way to end a great night!


  1. Your little blogger meet-up looks like fun! I haven't found enough bloggers nearby me to have one of these things, so I'm jealous of this fun activity!

  2. I'm still so jealous that I wasn't able to come. :( Looks like you guys had so much fun!

  3. what a great night! looks like a blast and always a great idea to finish off a great night with yummy desserts!! that cazookie looks yummo!
