weekly update

Monday, October 15, 2012

Wow it has been quite a great week! I cant believe how much progress has been going on the house we are building! I cant believe its already middle of October! I cant believe we are moving into our new house (hopefully) in a week or two....whooooa! And I cant believe Halloween is almsot here! Monday was a late night at the house, so we ended up at McDonalds at 10pm. yum!
Tuesday morning, I was running around looking for knobs and pulls for the house because I didn't get enough supplies! Ah. I saw Paradise Bakery and had to grab some cookies.
 Tuesday dinner...pizza.
Wednesday we met with our Mortgage Broker, picked house insurances. Here is Jake calling and getting estimates on insurances. It was a pretty day out!
When Tuna and I got home, there was a package in the mail for him! It was his puppies he bought with his new debit card! His new puppies are so soft and cute!
Later that evening, Jake and I went to the house. We did the plate test in the cabinets to see if they fit. They were perfect! I was worried because we have over sized plates and I forgot to talk to the cabinet man about it. Luckily there was plenty of room for them! Wahoo!
 I made dinner on Wednesday! Wahoo! Finally! Enchiladas!
To top off the night, we all took a bath and watched 3 episodes of Shark Tank. I have never seen that show, but every time I am at the post office someone is always telling me I need to go on that show. I really liked the show. I think if I went on it, I would get eaten alive! haha
Thursday I wore one of my mini mouse shirts I got at Disneyland! I think I could wear disney apparel every day! I LOVE Disney!
Thursday night, Jake and I went to Toys R Us. We did a sumer scripture and prayer reading program with our Sunday school kids, and we told them they could all pick out a treat or a gift card for a reward if they tried, thought, looked at their scriptures this summer. haha we were desperate for them to start reading their scriptures.
For dinner we went to Fire House subs. I actually made dinner with Jake, but our gas was out of the stove, and oven, and no hot water...
Friday was a rainy day all day! Oh I just love rainy days!
I met up with Megan Miller at the mall for some PF Changs lunch! It was so yummy and fun to catch up!
We even did a little shopping! I dont know why I buy two of everything in different colors? Its a bad habit of mine! I am excited for new tights though! I always get holes in them every season, so its nice to get some fresh ones!
Friday night, Jake and I went to the Provo Temple! It is so beautiful outside with the fall colors! I am loving it, and the nice temperature outside!
 For dinner we headed over to the Riverwoods! One of my favorite places in Provo :) We went to Bajios for dinner! We tried the Pineapple shrimp salad! Oh wow, my new favorite salad! AMAZING!
 We also tried the dessert ice cream chimichanga! YUM!
Running in the rain! It stopped raining that evening so I thought I would be fine in heels and a fur coat. haha woops!
Saturday, we went to Running Corner to get Jake some new shoes! He was in desperate need of some running shoes! We got him two pairs, and me a new pair to! So fun! Randomly a guy named Tyson that has been working on our home doing framing and inside and other fun stuff was at the shoe store. His father in law owns its! And his father in law lives in a bright blue house to! Small world :)
Sunday for dinner we had mini pizzas with tomato and cheese on biscuits! Oh they were delicious! Thank you Pillsbury for great ideas!
In the evening, Jake and I wrote letters to everyone in our Sunday School class from this summer, and got their prizes put together. Then we put on our new walking shoes, and went and delivered the prizes. And my visiting teaching pumpkin bags for this month! Can I just say, I am so excited for a fresh start in Visiting and Teaching! For some reason it has been super hard for me lately and a fresh start is what I need :)

1 comment

  1. Yummy week indeed! That food from P.F. Chang's looks sooo amazing! What is it though? I've never had that, and I can't tell what it is! Also, the mini pizzas look quite delish. I made some similar to that by lining each spot of a cupcake tin with dough, and then topping it with favorites, then after baking you have mini pizza puffs! So good.

    But more importantly, where is the polka dot dress from?! Because it is adorable, and I want one so bad too!

