about BLUE

Thursday, October 11, 2012

When Jake and I got home from California (still more CA posts coming), we knew a lot had been done on the house. Wood floors, tile, and the exterior paint. So on our drive home at 11 o clock at night we drove over to our house being built. Can I tell you how we both about pooped our pants when the head lights shined on the house at it was this bright blue?! We were expecting the house to be gray with a little hint of blue.....but after we slept on it, on my gosh we LOVE the blue! Yes its bold, and bright, and bold, and bold, but I feel its a very fitting color for Jake and I. Also it goes with all our Nautical Light fixtures. Plus, how fun is it to say....oh yea, we live in the blue house :) I think once winter is over, we will repaint it Navy, but for now we will enjoy the blue. I think we would always keep it blue, but we want neighbors by us someday, so the bright blue will have to go. Its funny looking at these pictures of the blue. The camera does not capture just how blue it is...
Driveway cement laid. 
 Wood floors! With lots of foot prints :) These will be a joy to clean daily :) haha
 Back porch patio
 Light switches! and canned lighting all done!
 Master bathroom tile
Tuesday morning, October 9th, I went to the house to drop off some lighting fixtures. I saw cabinets in the family room! Whoop whoop!
 I also saw some men working in the ground...
When Jake and I came in Tuesday night...the Cabinets and island were all in! Oh they are perfect! I am sooo excited! Now I have no excuse for not making dinner every night...
 Stair banister finished!
 kids bath, and laundry room cabinets in!
 Master bath cabinets!
 Wednesday the 10th there were lots of little improvements on the home to! Fans in!
 Wanes coating finished!
Oh I am so happy with our fan choices! I really like them! also, see the red thing on the ceiling. Thats a fire alarm! Cool!
 Rain gutters!
Steps on the back porch 
Lights in the front of the house! Wow! This is all going to fast! Its crazy to see all our decisions house choices coming together!


  1. I LOVE the blue!!! i will be your neighbor!!

  2. This makes me want a house SOOOO bad. I'm mega house hungry right now. We are saving up for one, but it feels like it's going to be forever before we settle down.
    oh, and I love the blue. It reminds me of Bear in the Big Blue House. haha you should get one of those HUGE bears they sell at costco.

  3. LOVE your house! I ran into Stephanie (stephanie and such) today and she was telling me about your house. So exciting!
