millons of elephants!...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

So not really millions of elephants, but 216 to be exact! I had no idea what kind of task I took on when I signed up to do these elephants! In this picture, it is only half of the finished elephant tubs...After the fact that they are all done, I am quite happy, but during the process what a lot of work. I was sewing 12 hour days at least for 3 body was so sore and exhausted after. But wahoo! They are done! If you ordered an elephant, sorry it took so long to make, but its done and you should get your product this week :)
 This is trip one to the post entire car was full of boxes both trips!
When Jake and I pulled up to the post office at 6am, I cant tell you how grateful I was that magically some workers happend to be there and pulled me out some big shipping baskets. Dont mind my awesome pjs I had been wearing for 3 days straight...

1 comment

  1. It was so good to meet you and chat with you the other night. I love you house!!! I love your etsy shop! And, I love your blog! Just thought I should let you know... I finally got my blog post up, it makes me happy to see you haven't had a chance to, so I'm not the only one a little late :)
    So, I'll probably be blog stalking you now, just to warn you. lol. Hope things go well for you!
