Happy Sunday!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

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Hi everyone! Happy Sunday! I have been looking forward to Sunday all week! Jake and I had a great time at church today, and gave everyone our 2 weeks notice... That we will hopefully be moving in 2 weeks! So crazy! Wow, how time and life goes so fast! Its kind of sad Sunday is the only day I got semi ready this week! haha happens when life gets busy fun! Today, I think I just want to wear pjs, have a movie marathon, maybe read some of a book, eat and snuggle with Jake and Tuna. Relaxing Sundays are always the best! Hope you all have an amazing/relaxing Sunday to :) Oh yes, and thats me taking out the trash can to the street corner :) Todays work done!


  1. LOVE your outfit. absolutely darling.

  2. I love the dress! I love the pleats :)

  3. so exciting. So happy for you and your hubs.

    p.s. Your church outfits kill me. so cute!
