Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wow, I cant believe it is Halloween already! The year is passing by way to soon! I just barley got good at remembering the year is 2012! Well, I went through some old pictures from to look for some Halloween photos from when Jake and I first met back in 2009... The above picture is the first time Jake and I ever hung out. We played with my friends and we all went around the neighborhood knocking on peoples doors. It was fun :) I was in hair school at the time, and was always collecting mannequin heads.
I really wanted to be a gorilla.....and why I am not wearing shoes to Target?
Jake and I on Halloween 2010. Check out Tuna in his bunny outfit!
Last year 2011, we had fun at Disneyland a few times with my family, Mickeys Halloween Party with Jakes parents, and Jake and I having our first Halloween Party together! We also finally made Tuna and a friend a pumpkin costume! This year, I am sad we are moving on Halloween. Its my favorite holiday! I wanted to have a party so bad! I guess we always have the next year to look forward to!
This year (2012) we got to go to Disneyland and Mickeys Halloween party with my cute mom, run a Halloween 1/2 marathon to enjoy the holiday season! I love Halloween! This is also our 3rd year being pumpkins. We will have to do something else next year! Pumpkins have just been so easy, convient and fun! Next year I for sure want to carve pumpkins, go to a pumpkin patch and go on a hay ride, and of course, Mickeys Halloween Party!

Happy Halloween! Hope you have a great one today, and have had fun celebrating all month long! Wahoo!

Girls Night Out: Pizzeria Seven Twelve

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Last week I got to join some cute girls for dinner! We met at Pizzeria Seven Twelve!
Alycia, Kelsey, Ashley, Amy, Ashley
Here is my pizza! It was super yummy! I do feel, the food is overpriced here though..my meal was over $20.00 for one small pizza. It was delicious though!
Sadly when we were leaving, I got an email that my cute Grandma Bang died. I was so glad I was surrounded by good friends to keep a smile on my face :) All of us ladies had a great time laughing, and having fun! Alycia was talking about Santa during one part of the night..and may of ruined Christmas this year for one little boy who was staring right at her while she was discussing..."Santa Claus."

weekly update

Monday, October 29, 2012

This has been a great week for me, and a few lows to. The main reason for the lows is I am worried about our house getting done in time and its making Jake and I both stressed. Also packing..and my sweet Grandma Bang passed away.  Isnt this picture awesome?! haha Jake and I found it on our driveway all crumbled up. Its now hanging on our fridge.
Tuesday Jake came and brought me cupcakes on his lunch break. Such a sweet boy!
Tuna wanted to hang out with Jake on Wednesday when I met up with some fun girls for dinner. Jake always makes sure Tuna is safe.
Thursday woke up to hearing cars sloshing in water. I looked out the window and thought it was a rainy day..but it was snow! I was so suprised! Winter is here!!!
Breakfast of Champions. Opps, I ate this all in one day...I LOVE oreos!
There was a pretty sunset outside and I asked Jake to take a picture. I found this on my phone later! I thought it was pretty funny :)
Friday night Jake and I got ready for our 1/2 marathon in the morning! It was a halloween run, so we were pretty excited! Sadly, we were planning on training and didn't at all....Jake ran a few times a week in the mornings, but I didn't at all. That was lame of me :)
Saturday morning, ready for our run! We had alot of fun! More pictures coming soon :)
 After the 1/2 Tuna was proud that he ran the whole way, he got a medal!
Sunday, our bodies were exhausted and mad at us, haha so we laid in bed (with tons of icepacks) all day eating treats and watching movies. We went to church, said our last goodbyes. That was exciting and sad. Its been a great ward we have been able to be part of, but I am excited for a new one! I am ready for some good changes coming in the next few weeks!

Home Building Updates

Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 24
Its so fun seeing all the decisions come together! Here is progress in the Master bedroom
Running water!!!
Jake wiping down all the grout so it would be clean :)
Appliances in :)

October 25
 Lights starting to be hung :) and Subway tile coming in the kitchen!
 half bath lights
 My favorite chandelier!
 Carpet has arrived!
 Kids bath lights
Master bath filed with grout

October 26
 Grout in the subway tile
 Marble on the fireplace
Stairway light! This is also another favorite. Lights in the master bedroom are hung to! You can kind of see one on the brick in this picture.
 Shower enclosure!
Handles on the Fridge! Yeah!! I am so excited to make cookies! The house is looking so wonderful! I am not going to lie though...I feel there is no way for the house to be done by this next Monday to close...which is supposed to be the case. We will see.... I sure hope it gets done by Monday so we can move in soon!

LEGO Minifigures Series 8

Friday, October 26, 2012

Jake and I were a bit late this time around on Minifigures! We had not been watching when they would come out, and we went to Toys R Us and saw them! We then spent the next hour figuring out which ones we wanted and trying to find them. They had alot of really neat girl minifigures in this series which we thought was neat! And a nice looking Santa! We also loved the bat and alien...perfect for halloween time! Now we need to buy some new minifigure display cases! We love our Lego :)
Jake searching through, trying to find the minifigures we wanted!

Living Planet Aquarium

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Saturday, Jake met me up in Salt Lake and picked me up from the mall. He had a fun date planned to go to the Living Aquarium! We have been there once before, but have been wanting to go back since they have added lots of new animals! Penguins, baby sharks, otters and more!
Since it was Halloween time, they did such a cute job making cute pumpkins and putting them in tanks, adding fake hands, and feet in tanks...fake fingers in the parana tank..just all super cute ideas!
Paranas, electric eel, and frogs!
Pigmy alligators! Jake and I almost bought one of these once! I have always wanted an alligator of my own! It would just be hard to give it the environment and care it needed so I didn't get one. Maybe someday ;) Along with a lion...a great white shark and a narwhal.
Jake petting a shark! So cool! I might of been a little to scared to touch it...
A bat ray! So cute and little!
There was even a sea turtle! We had not seen her before!!!
Such a cool lobster! I loved how he looked like he was turquoise! And he was huge! At least a couple feet long!
Jake, Tuna and some Otters!
We ate some french fries as a snack! They were so delicious!
They had a new section that was super cool! It had super cute comics of info to go with each animal and their super power!
Fish that can go out of water, stink turtle, newt, and see through fish!
Can you find the fish? He is hiding ;)
We had a great time at the aquarium! We will have to go back again! Always fun to see cute animals and spend some fun time looking around!