72 years and happily in love :)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thursday was my grandparents 72nd wedding anniversary! I just think they are the cutest! These pictures were from my grandparents 70th wedding anniversary when they came to visit it Arizona. It was so fun to see them then! I want to go out to Ohio to go visit them someday soon! I think 72 years is quite an accomplishment! Both alive and happy and going strong. I love and admire my grandparents so much!
Here is grandma and grandpa with all their kids! Except for sweet Sandra who passed away.
 Lee, David, Steve.
Here is Jake and I with my cute grandparents. We were still dating at this time. (got engaged a month later ) I hope Jake and I can be healthy and strong and make it to our 72nd wedding anniversary! So exciting!

Wayne Anderson Memorial

Friday, June 29, 2012

Last weekend, my family and I attend a Memorial Service for not only my dads business partner, but a really good family friend. The Anderson family and all the people involved did an amazing job with the service. It was beautiful, and a celebration of Waynes wonderful life.
Waynes favorite color was orange, so they asked everyone to wear some orange or bright colors if they had it. I was glad they wanted to celebrate the amazing life Wayne lived. Wayne battled cancer the last few years of his life and was a trooper. He truly is an inspirational man for all to look up to. The memorial was super emotional for me. I had several days of crying when I heard Wayne had passed away, but at the memorial I couldn't hold my tears back. I went through tons and tons of kleenex. I think I was just super sad to think my friends had lost their dad, my father had lost his best friend and business partner, and that I would never see Wayne again. (in this life :) But, I wont forget Wayne. He is an amazing man and I know that he is happy to be in Heaven with his Savior, Jesus Christ. I was so impressed with the Anderson family. They were so strong at the memorial, and so hopeful. I want to be like them. They are an amazing family.
My cute nieces and nephew Bree, Gavin, and Morgan after the service.
After the service there was a reception. Here is Jeff, Cami and Jake hanging out and talking.
I was so happy to see so many amazing and supportive people come to Waynes memorial. It really showed to me what an amazing man he really is. 

moms 60th family bday

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Last week was my moms 60th birthday! Cami and Jeff had a party for my mom at their house! I think my mom looks so cute in this picture! I think she should only be having her 40th birthday. She looks so young.
Look at all these special touches all done by Morgan. She is so cute! She really wanted to make my moms birthday special for her! What a cute girl! I hope to have a sweet daughter like Morgan someday.
Cami and Jeff got a fun standup pool in their backyard! Oh my goodness, the kids were allll loving it sooo much! They were all cracking me up at how much fun they were having!
Best picture of the day!
Can you tell who won me over this weekend? Oh my goodness, Alyssa is so dang cute! She has always been adorable, but wow, she has gotten so sweet and cute! I love her!
Cami made an awesome dinner! Lasagna was a hit! We ate 3 entire pans of it....
Time to sing happy birthday and get ready to eat pazookies!
Brandon trying to get some extra pazookie from Alyssa. She was more than happy to share :)
To close off the night we all talked about some favorite memories with mom, played a guessing game Morgan made up, and opened presents! It was a great evening! Morgan also played some songs on the piano for us. She did a great job!

az eats

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Everytime I go home, there are so many places I want to eat and never enough time! I am happy with the places we got to eat, but wished I got to eat more! Here is a picture from when we ate at Native New Yorker! Hot and Honey hot wings are ohhh so good!
Sweet Cakes cookies! So good! I wish we were able to eat a lunch there to! Next time :) I love their sugar cookie and chocolate chip! My two favorites from there.
Check out this to go box you get to pick what you want to put in it, and a whole garlic nan! India Oven is amazing! I love to eat there, but we didn't have time, so we got a to go box! This box fed 4 of us till we were stuffed and was only $10.00. I wish I lived by India Oven. I would get take out buffet everyday.
On an adventure to Last Chance, we saw Zupas across the street. I was shocked! I thought these were just in Utah, but they said they recently opened this location!
I liked our meals, but I not my favorite. I feel Zupas is good food, but I dont know if I would pick to go again. Not that its not tasty...I guess I am more of a full sandwich or sub girl.
To top off the trip......we ate at Ghrinalidis! I have been wanting to go there because I have missed going so many times in New York. It was really good, but I think my heart will always be set on deep dish. I also feel here for the price its a little on the expensive side. I am glad I tried it though. I liked it!

weekly update - in ARIZONA :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Jake and I had a wonderful week! It started out with some In and Out Burger for family night!
Tuna has been hanging out alot with Mr. Buffalo this week. He brought him to Arizona.
Tuesday was a big errand day. For dinner, Jake and I got Betos and watched the new episode of the Bachlorette. Oh, we love that show :)
Wednesday, Jake and I flew to Arizona! I was shocked to see a Cafe Rio in the Salt Lake Airport! We ate there before our flight :)
Thursday was my mom and dads 39th wedding anniversary! My dad sent my mom some cute flowers! Jake, my mom and I had a fun day at Last Chance, Zupas, Ext. to get some fabric, took naps, and later that night...my moms surprise 60th Birthday party! Her friends were so dang cute and got together and planned her the funnest birthday! More pictures to come from that!
Friday morning my mom made us breakfast! On her bday? not right :) She is always so sweet! Today my mom officially turned 60 years old! Go mom!
Jake made my mom this cute birthday banner! He did such a great job on it! We put it up the night before so my mom would wake up to it in the morning :)
The Wormells came in town for a really good family friends memorial service. It was so nice to all be together for moms birthday!
Jake and Brandon played in the pool for hours, while mom, Bryce, Amber and I all went to Chandler Mall to do some shopping!
I found this cute book at Barnes and Noble I wanted to get! After a great time shopping, we went to Native to eat! Oh yumm! Then we went home and got ready for Waynes Memorial. That was an intense and emotional night for me.
Saturday afternoon, Jake, my mom and I went to go see Aimee and Brandons Nursery and get some pizza at Ghinaldis with them! We got to see the new Gilbert LDS Temple being built! So exciting! It is beautiful! It is a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be! Saturday night, Cami and Jeff through mom a family bday party! More pictures from that to come!
Sunday, we had church bright and early! After church, we ate, looked at old scrapbooks, and took naps. I like how Jake is smiling in his sleep. Cute boy.
Later, we ate again..and had some yummy peach pie dessert! I love being home! I love being around my family! They make me so happy! I love that they are always so positive and uplifting. Well, sadly, it was time for Jake and I to leave. The trip went so fast :( But we had a wonderful time! We said our goodbyes, and mom took us to the airport.
Jake and I had a great flight. I slept the whole time on Jakes shoulder. When we got off the plane, we got a little snack for dinner and headed home!

I get to see my sister Hayley in a few weeks and I have been dying to see her kids. Especially Reid. Something about this little guy gets me every time! When I got off my flight I saw this picture text on my phone with a caption that said "this is how excited Reid is to see you soon!" Oh...it just melted me! I love this little guy so much! I cant wait to see him! He is just the cutest! Made my night!

missing hair

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I always go back and forth between my feelings on long hair vs short hair. I have been loving my short hair, especially since I got straight across bangs again! But looking though old pictures..it makes me miss some long hair action....long braids.... beanie head...
Long pony tails......feeling fancy with long hair for church...
 Long curls....feeling like a baller with hair flowing in the wind snowboarding....
High buns, and long wet hair when you get out of the pool. Those are things I miss.

Things I dont miss about long hair is....long dry time.....taking an hour to curl it all....and thats about it :)

Hair for me is always a dilemma. I always like it how ever it is, but you know..you miss sometimes what you dont have anymore. Short hair is super easy though! Its been really nice for summer!

I have turned into an ELLEN fan

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I had never watched Ellen, or any afternoon TV since...never. My friend Aimee went to the Ellen show, so I decided to start watching it! Now I am addicted and try to watch the Ellen Show everyday! Oh my goodness she is hilarious! She really cracks me up! I want to order her book and read it to! I am sure it will be amazing! Someday I hope to go dance with her on her show!

weekly update

Monday, June 18, 2012

This has been a great week!
Last Sunday, Jake was so excited because he had some time to play some 3DS. We are loving the new Mariokart they made for it!
Monday, I went out and did lots of errands! I found some cute kitchen items for my friend Megan. She just bought a home, so I wanted to get her a house warming gift!
Megan also, just got a new awesome teaching type of job, so of course I had to get some apple items :)
Tuesday Megan and I met up for some dinner at PF Changs! I was excited to finally say happy late birthday to her and take her out! We love PF Changs! It was so good to catch up and hang out with Megan. After dinner, we went to the mall and did some shopping! We both got some cute hats, and hair excessories and some clothes! I got some super cute Forth of July decor to!
Tuesday night, I went for round 2 dinner at my churches Enrichment Night. It was quite fun! I got to meet some ladies I didn't know to well in my ward and get to know them and eat dinner again :) After, my friend Andrea, her husband Daniel, Jake and I all rode our bikes to Farr's Fresh to get some yogurt. I have never had a good yogurt experience there, and I was happy to have a good one! Usually my ice cream would melt so fast before I could eat it all, but this time it didn't! Looks like some good tables turned for them.
This week in any spare moments, I have been working on Narwhals! Tuney likes to hang out with each one. Well..I guess he likes to sit on their heads.
Wednesday night, Jake and I got to meet up with Jakes parents for a fun dinner at Kneaders! We wanted to make sure we got to say Happy Fathers Day to his dad, because they were not going to be in town for Fathers Day!
Thursday, I woke up to this in the lawn......I guess its time for us to find a new place to live :(
Thursday when Jake got off work, we rode our bikes for a yummy treat at The Chocolate! It was so fun! I am LOVING this summer weather and that it is so nice outside to walk or ride our bikes places!
Friday night, we got some pizza and had the night in! I was wanting to sew and Jake was feeling super sick...so it worked out :)
Later in the night, I felt we needed some ice cream, so I went and picked up some Cold Stone! YUM!
 Saturday was an errand day! We even got to visit Marin and Drew so that was so fun! Awhile ago they got the cutest dog from the pound. She is so sweet and such a good dog. I am so puppy dog hungry.
 Saturday night Tuney helped me make cupcakes for our Sunday School class.
 Sunday was Fathers Day! Jake was excited about his Fathers Day treats! We spent the evening watching Adventure Time and building Lego sets!
I started on my R2D2 Lego set! Thank goodness the bags were labeled with numbers! I only got to bag 3! This baby is going to take alot of time and love!
I complete forgot about Draw Some till I got a notice from my mom it has been long due my turn....I forget how much fun this game is!
Late Sunday night, we discovered Tokyo Tuna. He decided we should all watch a movie...so we watched Tokyo Drift. Perfect way to end a good week :)