a day in SLC with mom

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wednesday was anohter awesome day with my mom! I have been loving spending time with her! She is so sweet to me and takes me on so many fun adventures! Wednesday we went to Salt Lake. We ate at Red Iguana for lunch and ohhh it was good! I love their carne asada tacos!
 We got to do an afternoon session at the Salt Lake LDS Temple! I love this temple! It is so beautiful!
 After the temple we headed to City Creek mall. Guess who we saw??! Elder L. Tom Perry! So cool huh? I didn't know he was so tall in real life! Mom and I went to Kneaders to get some snacks before getting our shop on!
Yum! German chocolate brownie, raspberry cupcake and chocolate covered pretzels!
 In the evening, Jake came and joined us to pick up my cute Nana Brady! She is the best! I love, love, love seeing her! I want to be like her when I am older! She is the neatest lady ever! For dinner we went to the Corner Bakery. I got a pesto chicken sandwich and a house salad! It was so deliocus!
 After dinner, nana treated us to Nielsons Frozen Custard! oh sooo good! I didn't know they had one in Utah! It was just as good as I remember!
 Can you believe my Nana is 92? I think she looks so amazing! And I would never know she was 92. She is so sharp. She remembers everything and is in such good shape. She also is so funny and whitty. Guess what? Neal Armstrong was her neighbor and she got to talk to him after he took mans first step on the moon. She also has amazing children that are famous interior designers and head honchos at Disney. She is the greatest mother and the sweetest lady ever. I lover her personality. She is so fun to be around!
After some great food, we headed over to nanas to go hang out! She has the coolest house her and her husband built! Its amazing! I was so excited to find this gardner snake when walking to the door! Then I found out....he was dead. I think I may of ran over him with my car and his head popped off. Don't look to closely at the picture of this poor guy. I don't know if I killed him, but I feel really bad about his death. He is to little and to young. I hope he gets to see family or something in snake heaven.

When we got home, I played a few rounds of Draw Some on my phone before going to bed. The drawing of Tuna was Jakes. I was so shocked he got the word Tuna. What a great day! And the drawing below was my friend Scarletts. I think she did a wonderful job drawing a thong.

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