Life's a PARTY when Mom's in Town :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Monday was a PARTY day with my mom! I am LOVING having her in town! Its the best! Monday morning we went on my first bike ride of the season. Oh it was awesome! Yes I am for sure out of shape. Realllllly bad.....out of shape, but I still had a blast! I forgot how much I love riding my bike! I feel like I am flying! (when I am coming down a mountain :)
After our bike ride, mom and I went home, and I cut her hair! It was fun! She needed a trim, so we got that done :) Then we went to Five Guys for lunch! It was so delicious! It was the best Five Guys burger I have ever had!
After a great lunch, we went to a ENT doctor to clean out my ear. I have not been able to hear out of my left ear for a couple of weeks, and so I got it cleaned out. There was some serious wax build up. I am happy I can hear again! Then mom and I went to the fabric store! I was in love with this super cute flower fabric! I think I should make a dress or something out of it! Then we went to Target to get some grocery shopping done. Jake met us up at Target on his way home for work and partied with us the rest of the night.
When we got home we ate some hummus dip and of course....the only food I make...shrimp burritos :) Then we tuned into ABC to watch Dancing with the Stars. My mom is a huge fan of that show and LOVES it! She couldn't miss it :) The Temptations were on it live singing songs and it was great! I liked to see them preform!
To top of the evening, we finished up at The Chocolate for a yummy cazookie treat! Yes Please! Perfect treat for 3 to split!

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