a great couple of days, and getting ready for QBM

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Jake and I have had a fun couple of days! I have been getting ready for The Queen Bee Market this Friday and Saturday so we have made an effort to get out of the house....since I haven't been making dinner:) Tuesday we decided to walk to our destination. It was a beautiful day out. It had rained all morning and the clouds came out and the sun in the afternoon. I think it is most beautiful after a rainy day and the sun starts to shine!
We ran to the fabric store to get some fabric for some elephants!
Since it was Tuesday we went to Rubios for Taco Tuesday! oh they have the best fish tacos there! I love love love love love love love Rubios fish tacos! Yes! The walk of course took longer than we thought to get to all our destinations, but we had a really fun time!
Wednesday Jake and went to Panda Express and Yogurtland! Wahoo! I love both of those places. We choose to drive tonight :) also because we had to get back to watch Americas Next Top Model. I have really been disappointed with this years season with the British. I feel the photo shoots, challenges and all around everything isn't as good anymore....bummer. But of course I want to know who wins, so well keep watching the rest of the season.
I am counting down the days till the next Bachelorette comes on TV! So soon, but not soon enough! I am so excited! I took this quiz to see if I knew Emily well. The questions were all weird. I got 3 out of 5. I did learn her favorite holiday is the 4th of July. That is unique and fun.
Earlier today Stacey came over and helped me write my vendor ID on everything. After watching TV, Jake and I put on a movie, and started getting bow ties on their labels and putting labels on the new stuffed animals I have been making lately.
 Here are some of the stuffed animals I have been making!
 Tons of penguins! Babys and moms :)
Squids and Narwhals
Elephants and piggies!

I am so excited to display everything on my new display I got made! I get excited for Boutiques and exited for them to get over! Wahoo! This weekend will be fun :) Queen Bee Market here I come :)


  1. You have a wonderful talent! I am so jealous!! All of your creations are adorable and I hope you have lots of success with the market this weekend.

  2. Woa girl! You are legit with your talented crafting over there. I'm totally jealous. So awesome. :) Also, you succeeded in making me drool, AGAIN. This time from your lovely food pictures but also because of EMILY!! I am SO so so excited for Bachelorette to start up! I'm so hooked on that trash, it's not even funny.

  3. kelsey, is the bee market in utah county? ps-loving the fabric. and fish tacos...mmmm.
    xoxo, great little day

  4. how did your market go? i bet amazing! i love the little animals i want!
