weekly update

Monday, April 9, 2012

I have been trying to do better and make meals for dinner. It is something I started to do when Jake and I got married, and slowly have stopped doing it all together :) So, I am trying to make at least 3 meals a week! My new goal! Monday I made tomato basil soup and homemade rolls!
 Tuesday I made crescent rolls wrapped with chicken, onions and cream cheese, with a gravy sauce!
Tuesday our new furniture came in! Whoop whoop! Now it is time to put things in the dresser, and get some floor space back :)
Tuesday night we had a girls camp kick off night for my church. I got to make some sugar cookies for it! They turned out great! I was surprised! Sometimes when I make sugar cookies they can turn out awesome, or not so awesome. haha I am glad I made these the day of the event though, because I had already eaten 5 by the time I got to the camp kick off...
Later Tuesday night we did FHE. It was fun. We played a game and sung some songs.
Wednesday we went to Zupas for dinner. Not going to lie, my salad was yucky! It was a bummer. But that was the first time for me my Zupas meal wasn't good. I was glad I got a sandwich to! That was good.
I got a cute new mini mat for cutting and some new scissors! I am always in need of good sewing scissors!
Check out this sweet and sour homemade chicken Jake made for dinner on Thursday! It was sooo delicious! I would totally recommend it. Click here for the recipe!
I have been doing lots and lots of sewing this week. I made some stuffed animal narwhals on Thursday. Tuna wanted me to sew this narwhal horn on him so he could be a monkeycorn.
Friday it snowed! It was a lovely thing to wake up to! Here is a picture I took when I was out doing some errands :) It was freezing out on Friday!
Friday night for dinner I wanted pizza! You can never go wrong with pizza!
Even later on Friday evening...our Cutco knives and block came in the mail! Whoop whoop! We had black knives before, but needed a change, and a few more knives...so we were bad and switched to white! Which Jake and I are both so happy about!
Friday, Jake watching some TV with the penguins I made. Dont mind the sweet border....our new house is full of them! Ah, they are ok if you like that kind of stuff, but I am not the biggest border fan and am working on taking them down.
Saturday, Jake and I were going to go snowboarding! Then we changed our minds and slept in till 1. For dinner we went to Bajhos. I love their food!
Beautiful evening to walk around the Riverwoods!
Then the night ended, eating our weekly box of Oreos and planning a lesson for Sunday School and making treats! It was a great day!


  1. there is so much freaking yumminess on this i don't really know what to do with myself.

    i'll just pick one.

    those sugar cookies.


  2. in love with your table and chairs! keep up the good work on cooking!!!

  3. 1. I love your octopus plates. I want to make a dress with an octopus on it. Well see...that's a pretty lofty goal.

    2. Your desk looks AH-MAY-ZING!! I can't wait to see the dresser.

  4. This all looks so good! Aaaand I love that table!


  5. haha i love this, you two are so cute. you must share your recipe for that soup and those rolls! yummy good job on cooking more. your house looks way adorable, love your bottles on the table with little pom pom sticks in em

  6. What an amazing weekend!! I was drooling over all the pretty pictures! Especially the food... Dang girl. You've got the right tastes. We can definitely hang. Now if you will excuse me, I think I will go *try* and make that sweet and sour chicken!! :)
