Goodbye Staceypants PARTY

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I was definitely excited to throw Stacey a party, but I am not excited that it was a going away party for Stacey! Stacey just graduated college and is moving to California! I will be so sad she is moving! There goes my snowboarding partner! I need a new one, so if anyone knows one, please let me know :) I am so excited though she decided to move to CA because Jake and I LOVE Disneyland, so that means we will be seeing Stacey lots!
I didn't notice this light when I put up Stacey banner...oops. Its ok though, we just moved to our new place so somethings I am still getting used to :)

Can I tell you though, how excited I was for people to come over and see our new place! I LOVE it! I love living above ground! I just LOVE it!
Here is the food menu!
I love grab treats! Gummy bears, sour patch kids and suckers :)
These cookie dough brownies were a hit! Click here if you want the recipe :)
The spread. Stacey's cute friend was bringing some Boston Creme Pie, so thats what the empty cake platter was for :)
Here is Stacey! I love this girl!
Drinks, party straws and dip :)
The party went awesome! I had so much fun meeting new people and seeing some old friends and even roommates!
Immersed in a  good conversation. As the party was ending, we sat around the family room and had some good chats! Check out my earrings! Its my first time wearing some that what they are called? earrings since I got my ears pierced! I am still learning.
Tonight we discovered how versatile Allan's hair is. He is going to start a hair blog.  I think it is a really good choice and I feel it will be life changing for all who read it :) I seriously hope he really does start one. We were all laughing so hard at his funny comments and what he was coming up with at he did a middle part, greaser, Herbal Essence commercial and more.

Now that I am looking at pics from the party, I should of had a "pants themed" party for Stacey. What was I thinking?! (I do like all the bright summer time colors though ;) Somehow years ago I started calling Stacey, "Staceypants" and she calls me "kinky boots." Well, I guess I will have to do a pants party as a bridal shower....welcome home party....surprise party....dinner party...or something where it could be an all pants theme next time Stacey comes around :)

I will sure miss Stacey. I am excited for her to go enjoy life outside of college town :)


  1. um i wish you threw my going away party. actually, can you come throw me my birthday party this year? i want all of it. all the food too.

  2. this is sooooo cute! you throw an amazing party! maybe one day i'll be able to hit one! :)

  3. I love the paper chains, how cool is that! That party looks great!

  4. what a great hostess you are!! the decorations look great and the food looks amazing

  5. wow you are the best party host EVER! i want to party with you! and did you make your dress? SO CUTE!
