Queen Bee Market :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

AHHH I can't thank you all enough for making this market a happy and successful time for me! Thank you so much! Boutiques make me anxious, nervous, and happy. I am so glad I got to meet so many amazing people! The QBM was awesome!!!! Here are some pictures from this weekend!
Here is my set up at the booth! I LOVED how it all turned out :)
I was shocked and still am at what a hit the stuffed animals were! Especially the elephants! I need to make more asap!
Waiting for the Market to officially open!
My new friends Andrea and Diana I met!
My mom is the best! She flew in town to come see my stuff! I was so happy! My cousins the Laubaughs also happend to all be in town to because of graduation! They were all so sweet to come see me and say hello! It was the best! My cute mother in law and father in law came to visit to! I am so happy and lucky I have such a supportive family! I love you all!

I had so much fun doing the boutique! I cant wait for the one in Carlsbad California in June :) I am also excited to chill and catch up in life these next couple weeks! :)


  1. wow i can't believe how talented you are!!! looks great! so glad it worked out! love your headband by the way!!

  2. I was at the Snap conference and was excited to see your booth! I was hoping to find you to meet you, but that place was NUTSO!! I am glad it went so well for you.

  3. you are THE cutest thing. i wanted that dress...too bad i'm freakishly tall and it was a mid thigh on me..

  4. I am glad you were so successful. And I love seeing your new outfit! Your shoes do look awesome!

  5. so wish i could have been there! i had an epic hair fail, but everything looks darling, especially the little man bow ties.
