Stephanie Nielson: Heaven is Here Book Signing

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Saturday evening, during the LDS mens Priesthood session, my husband went to it live in Salt Lake with his dad and 2 brothers Nathan and Cameron. My cute mother in law also went up to Salt Lake to do some shopping while the boys were in their meeting! We heard Stephanie Nielson was going to be signing her new book at Desert Book at the new City Creek Mall, so we had to stop by! We got 5th in line which was great because the line and store became packed at 6pm when she came! Stephanie was so sweet and kind! I cant believe she is going to have a baby any day soon! She looks fantastic!
Here is her book all about her life before, during, and after her and her husbands plane crash. I am excited to read this book! I started it last night and it seems great so far! I didn't know she was going to be so descriptive and detailed (so far up to page 30 ;) so it seems it will be a very heartwarming and sad to. I am sure it will be very uplifting and inspiring though to hear her story and how she found happiness through every thing she has been going through.
After getting our books signed we headed for the food court to try Red Iguana. I was so excited to try their food because I have always wanted to! I hear great things about it and was not disappointed after eating my meal! I got steak tacos and they were delicious! I liked their chips and salsa too!
After shopping at City Creek we walked over to the Gateway to go shopping there. The blossoms are so amazing right now! They are popping up everywhere and are so beautiful! The Gateway was great. I feel so bad because no one was there. Salt Creek was packed and hard to even walk to get anywhere, and we didn't pass one person at the Gateway. Sad day. I hope that they stay in business and do well.
I got some cute new plates at Anthropologie. Jake and I love chameleons.

It was a great evening with my cute mother in law! I had fun spending time with her.


  1. love book signings and cherry blossoms!
    looks like a great day!
    xx jes

  2. amazing you got to meet her and are reading her book, i want to read it so bad. LOVE your plates. chase is obsessed with chamelions haha. cute cute
