weekly update

Monday, April 23, 2012

This week has been great! Its been super busy from getting ready for the Queen Bee Market. Thursday night, Jake had a photography class. While he went, I went shopping and also ate some yummy bundt cake! So delicious!
For dinner we ate at the Corner Cafe! I love that place!
A dog I colored in the lines.
The model in this picture is wearing my pants! I thought that was funny.
Friday, Jake was the best ever and got off work early to help me set up my booth at the Queen Bee Market! Wow, it was a ton of work, but worth it!
Friday after setting up the display, Jake and were hungry and went to JCW Burgers! I it was my first time there and I really liked it! Jake and his key lime shake!
Burger and Fries!
Dinner round 2! I got to join the SNAP conference for dinner! It was so good and yummy! I had fun meeting new people and eating a 2nd dinner :)
Saturday morning was an early one! Jake and I left the house at 8:00 to go restock items at the Queen Bee Market. I am not going to lie...I was excited about restocking :) Thats always a great thing !
I also felt awesome wearing my new outfit, and my awesome new Pedro Garcia shoes! I was in heaven! I didn't last all day wearing heels though. I only made it half of it :)
My mom is the best and flew into town so she could come see my boutique! This made me so happy! My moms sister Robin and her family also happend to all be in town at the same time for their son Mitch's Graduation! Perfect timing! They all were so nice and came to see my display to! We got to hang out with them for the rest of the weekend! It was great! My cute mother and father in law also came to visit! I have the most supportive family! Thanks everyone :)
For lunch we went with the Laubaughs to Cafe Rio for lunch! Yum! I always get the same two things. Either a pork burrito or salad. Today was a salad type of day :)
Mom got a quasidilla and soup!
Driving back to finish up the Queen Bee Market and pack everything up! It was a beautiful day out!
Saturday night, we went to the Sweet Tooth Fairy to get some cupcakes! We got one of each kind they had to try all of them!
YUMMMMMMMYYYYYY!!! They were all so good! I think the favorites were, red velvet, strawberry shortcake, coconut, cookies and cream!
We went to spend the rest of the evening at Mitch and Rochelles. We ate pizza, cupcakes and watched Super 8. Great movie :)
Sunday was a great day! I had fun introducing mom to some church friends! That was exciting! In the evening, the Laubaughs came over and we played all of our favorite card game..... Five Crowns! It is the best! I was shocked I won! I secretly love winning :)
Jake and Tuna were a team. They did really awesome!
It was a great weekend playing with family and having them in town! I am so glad I get to keep playing with my mom this upcoming week :)

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