Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Friday was the opening of the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point and it was so beautiful! There were tons of tulips out, and tons more just starting to bud! I would highly recommend checking this out for a pretty afternoon or evening walk.
 I never knew there were pointy tulips!
 Jakes cute mom took us and we had a great time! We were so glad that the rain cleared up and we got to enjoy the tulips!
 I need to stop squinty eyes in pictures. ..... so hard to not do.
Tuna is still wearing his bunny ears from Easter. He said he wants to set a world recored for the longest time a monkey has worn bunny ears. I think he already broke that recored on day 1.
Check out all these koi fish! There were tons at the lake! We got to feed them pellets. They would get so excited to eat them they would jump out of the water to try and beat another koi fish to get the food. I tried to throw all the little babies food. We also saw Julie Beck here feeding some fish with her family. Cool.
 Getting ready to go in the Secret Garden.
I liked the inside of the secret garden a lot! I would like to have a sunny day and read a book in here. Maybe invite some friends to for tea and crumpets.
There was a exhibit by an artist that depicted times from Christ's life. She is slowly making larger than life scenes as she gets the funding for the projects.
 A neat Joseph Smiths first prayer scene.
It got really cold out, and we saw a hot chocolate stand! Jakes mom was so sweet and got us hot chocolate! It was perfect to warm us all up!
 I saw a corn dog place, and knew I had to get one of those! I am a big fan of home dipped corn dogs!
 Yummy donuts we got from Grandma's Minis. 
 Yumm! I love me some fries and a corn dog! It was great!
 Going back behind the waterfalls. It was neat! My first time!
It was a lovely afternoon seeing lots of pretty flowers! I would like to go again someday! Thanksgiving Point does such a great job keeping up the grounds, it is lovely to walk around everywhere and see so much beauty.


  1. Looks like a beautiful day :) I am lovin' your hair color! XX.

  2. I can always count on getting hungry after reading one of your blog posts. Love it. I want to come see the tulips! Maybe we will have to come visit :) Great pics!

  3. LOVE the flowers, your squinty eyes, your outfit, your mother in laws outfit, the corn dogs, and you and jake together. so fun!

  4. You have NO idea how jealous I am of this post! We went last year and LOVED it. I'm so sad we moved away :( Eric and I were just saying yesterday that we were sad we are missing out on those amazing donuts! We haven't been able to find anything like them.... not even at the fairs during the summer. They are SO GOOD!
