weekly update

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday morning Jake had Court Duty. He didn't get picked to be on duty, so we got to go out to lunch! It was so fun! We went to a Thai place called, Pad Thai Siam and it was sooooo good! They had a lunch special for 7 bucks and you get a ton of really really good food! A soup or salad, egg roll, and curry and rice! Wow! Jake and I each ordered a meal, and we totally could of shared one meal it was so much food! Oh, and it was delicious food to! I ordered the Massam Curry.
Jake got Red Curry. I liked mine better, but his curry was good to. Jake and I discovered the game "draw some" on Monday and we kept playing it every second of the day. Hence Jake drawing on his phone in this picture!
After Jake got back from work on Monday, he had brought me home some flowers. I was so excited! They still smell so delicious!
Monday for dinner we had garlic shrimp burritos. I have been obsessed lately with frozen shrimp and putting it in burritos. I think I have this almost every day for lunch.....
Tuesday, Jake and I decided to go for a run. Its time I get ride of this pooch. Don't mind the one shoe....On our run, we made it less than a hundred feet before we started walking the rest of the way.....hahah Its ok though.....I guess we got to start somewhere.
After our run, we went to In and Out Burger. I think it was a really good choice!  We didn't go to the gym the rest of the week, or work out, but I think starting to go on a walk at least once a week is a good start.
I thought this was hilarious how Jake got me to guess Ellen. I LOVE the Ellen show! I think she is so hilarious! I always replay funny parts of episodes I think Jake has to see :) This game is so fun!
This game is the funnest! 
Wednesday for dinner I made the easiest dinner ever! Costco frozen egg rolls and edamame. Yum! I always like this kind of food, but it does not fill me up, and I find my self eating another meal later...
Thursday was a beautiful rainy day. I LOVE rainy days. So I decided to celebrate and eat a good lunch. I got 2 McDonalds double cheeseburgers and 3 cupcakes. I couldn't decide which ones I wanted, so I got 3. I really liked eating 3, so I will have to do that again!
Friday, I went grocery shopping to get some food supplies for Staceys going away party, that was going to happen at my house on Sunday! I got some pizza while I was at it at Costco. I love Costco food. They have a new sandwich which is turkey provolone and I must try it soon.
Friday afternoon, Jake and I met him mom at Thanksgiving point to go see the start of the Tulip Festival. It was really beautiful! It was raining as we drove to Thanksgiving Point, so I was so happy it cleared up when we got there!
Friday night, Jake and I met up with our friends Brett and Kenzie at a fundraiser event for Sowers of Hope. Several of Jake and I's really close friends have been really involved in this organization so we thought we would go support! 3 years ago they started doing a fashion show. They have come along way since 3 years ago! They had a really nice venue, yummy food and treats, and drinks! It was great!
They show was.....hilarious. There were some fun things, but it was a very eccentric show. For example, this person walking in a speedo is a man. We had fun though, and will return again next year to support our friends.
Saturday, Jake and I ran to Costco to get some fresh fruit for the Stacey party. Of course we always find things we don't need....like life jackets. I think I will wear mine all the time though. Then I can float and hang out in water. Cool.
Guess what? At the fashion show there was a raffle, and I WON! I was shocked! I never win things like this! It was the best! $10 Five Guys gift card! Saturday day, got ready for the party! Stacey was so sweet and came over and helped with decorations as I cooked!
For dinner, Jake and went to Five Guys! It was great!
I always love a delicious big fat juicy burger!
When we left Five Guys it was raining. Jake and I sat in the car and listened to the rain with the heater on. It was so fun. I love sitting in my cozy driver seat and looking up at the sun roof and seeing lots of rain drops. So lovely.
Sunday, after we got home from a great time at church, we made cajun shrimp burritos. YUM! Then we finished things up for Stacey's going away party :(
We had some time before the party guests arrived so we took a nap. I LOVE naps. They are the greatest! I woke up to Tuney laying there creeply still and Jake playing on his Gameboy. 

Next, we got refreshed for the party and had a blast! I loved seeing some friends and meet new ones! Pictures to come soon :)


  1. ...I have never had Thai food. There's a place in town, but I've never been! It looks so good though.


  2. Costco's pizza is seriously the BEST!
    And I am dying over your shrimp burritos! please, please, PLEASE email me and tell me the recipes you use to make the shrimp (like cajun?)!! And you just put cheese, tomatoes, and avacado in with the shrimp? I just bought a big bag of frozen shrimp from costco and I don't really know what to do with it. I NEED you, ha ha!
    Girl, I'm so proud of your run/walk! Don't give up! You'll be able to run a tiny bit further each time you go out!

  3. ahhh, sweet tooth fairy cupcakes...you just can't have one! now i'm hungry.
    great little day

  4. Oh my word, the shrimp looks so yummy! Oh perhaps I should get some today, hmmm.
