General Conference Weekend

Monday, April 2, 2012

Saturday morning started with Jake making us Mickey Mouse chocolate chip pancakes! He did a great job! They were delicious! Then we got lots of blankets out and got cozy to watch the start of Saturdays general conference. I LOVE General Conference. I really like hearing wonderful talks and messages that help me get back on track. I like to just regroup and have relaxing conference weekends :)
After listening to conference, Jake and I got ready to head up to Salt Lake to meet Jakes family.
When we got to Salt Lake, we parked the car and got to ride the Trax for our first time! It was really fun! Jake split up and went with the boys to priesthood session and I got to go hang out with my cute mother in law for the rest of the evening.
When Jake and I got home, we drank some juice and watched old episodes of The Office and ate tootise rolls till 3am. It was great.
 Sunday, was a wonderful day. We watched conference, took a nap, and woke up at ate cookies and played on the computer. At 2, we watched the last episode of conference. It was great! I want to download them on my computer so I can listen to them all again while I make crafts!
 For dinner we ate potstickers and edamame. Costco frozen food is always good!
 For dessert, we made peep smores! We had fun cooking the peeps over the stove and eating them!
Then we ended the night eating chips and guac and watching the Disney channel. A great weekend.


  1. i really don't think there's anything better than MICKEY MOUSE chocolate chip pancakes.
    xx jes

  2. I love the bright purple bow & those pants are to die for!

    Thanks again for letting me borrow your chocolate saved my conference weekend. :)

  3. You guys seriously had the BEST conference weekend EVER! I'm coming over for the next session in October ;)
    And now I'm craving tootsie rolls and guac! Yum!
