Happy Easter

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Sunday was great! Tuna wanted to wear his bunny costume all day. I dont think he will take it off for at least a month. He loves wearing costumes. I let him do it because I think he looks really cute as a bunny or whatever he chooses to be.

At church, Jake and I got to say the opening and closing prayer in Sacrament meeting. We even sung in the choir, and then taught Sunday School. It was a big day at church, but fun!
We ate Easter dinner at Jakes parents house. I got to make a fruit salad to take over.
Dinner at Jakes parents.
Skyler, Devon, Spencer, and Liz. Some of Jakes cousins.
Uncle Doug, Dylan, Cameron
Mama Harris, Aunt Christi! It was a great dinner and fun time hanging out with the family.
Sadly, we got home a little late and didn't get to dye eggs on easter, but we did get to dye easter eggs on Monday evening. Getting everything ready to dye!
 Jake writing a secret message on his egg.
 Tuna getting ready to dye his egg.
 Jakes secret message was discovered!
 Remember when Jake dropped his egg and splattered pink dye all over? It was funny, and kinda cute.
The pink dye got on Tuna. Thank goodness for stain remover :)
 This was my favorite egg I made. We ate tons of starburst jelly beans while we made eggs.
I think you can kinda tell we lost interest in dipping eggs after cleaning up the mess from the egg dye. Its ok though. We still had a blast!
 Time to put away all the easter decorations. I forgot to take pictures of all of them, but heres the table. It was a great easter!

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