Idaho Falls: Museum of Idaho

Thursday, April 5, 2012

On last Friday before the wedding, we got to Idaho a little early. We saw a sign that had a dinosaur on it! We headed straight their to see a dino, which ended up being the Museum of Idaho.
Here is Jake with the largest, most complete trex ever found. It was 90% complete. It was found on a mans property and he sold it at a public auction for 8.7 million dollars! Whooa! If I had that kind of money to spend on a dino, I would of done the same. He would look awesome in any home :) The trex name is Sue. We were cracking up because thats Jakes moms name. Such a random name for a trex. Scientists are not sure if Sue is a girl or boy. At first they thought she was a girl, but then they found a bone that they though differentiated male and female dinos, but now scientists dont even know.
They had an awesome dinosaur display at the museum! One of the coolest parts of it was that you could get so close to all the dinos!
The museum had awesome signs. Here you could smell like a dino was smelling.
See like a trex
have arms like a trex
And we even got to touch a real life fossil dino bone! so cool!
The death pose.
Fossilized turtle shells
lots of heads
Looking at Sue from the 2nd floor of the museum.
Tuney talking to a bird dino
So coool
The museum had a large area dedicated to Idaho history. It was pretty neat.
How bricks used to be made. Looks intense!
They had an area that was set up like shops! Mail, photo, barber, dress maker, dentist, ext.
Scary looking dentist
Old Idaho year books. "The spud" so great!
They should of kept the license plates like this! So cool!
Playing in the kids room. Jake climbing through the beaver dam. We had a great time at the museum and would like to go again!

1 comment

  1. ok, this place looks amazing! i love all of your pictures, and i especially love all of the monkey shots!
