Hot Dog Vendors, National Archives Party, Washington Monument, Capitol, Mr. Lincoln and some Sushi!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

One thing on my to do list in DC was eat from a hot dog vender! On Friday afternoon, I got to do that! It was great!
I also got to go in the National Archives and check it out! Jakes work there was having a party and they were so sweet and wanted me to come! It was awesome! They were all so kind and neat!
Yummy treats! I loved meeting everyone Jake gets to work with when he comes to DC. It was great!
After the party, there was still some work hours, so I went back to the Smithsonian History Museum to walk around. I love that place. When everyone was off work, we met at the Sports Grill for dinner. It was fun to get to talk to Jakes coworkers more and get to know them! Friday was a rainy day all afternoon, so I was so glad when the rain cleared up at dinner! We sat outside and enjoyed some nice weather!
Eating another cupcake......
After dinner, Jake and I ventured off on a walk around DC. We were sad it was our last day there and wanted to try and get everything in we could!
The Capitol
A beautiful sun setting as we were walking to the Mall.
Washington Monument. What a beautiful Sunset! I could not stop taking pictures  it started to change! It was so beautiful out!
World War 2 Memorial
I love AZ. I will always have AZ pride :)
There was a lot of construction going on, and no water infront of Mr. Lincolns.
Lincoln Memorial
Hi Abe.
After looking at some great sites, Jake and I went to Georgetown to get some Georgetown cupcakes! They were sooo good and the best!
Then we walked back to Dupont Circle and went to UNI sushi for a midnight snack! It was so delicious! We were not disappointed! It was so great! Then we got packed and ready to leave the following afternoon. We were both sad packing our things. Time flys by so fast on trips.


  1. I love DC; your pictures are incredible!


  2. have that jacket and those pants! we really are alike!

    looks like such a fun trip! i also love that he's matching abe!

