walking around Idaho Falls

Friday, April 6, 2012

After the wedding on Friday, Jake and I had a little time before we were supposed to be over at my cousins house, so we went to see the falls. The rainy day was just clearing up, and everything around looked som amazing! Here is a ton of pictures, but it was so beautiful out, it was hard to only take a few!
We walked the trail all the way down to the Idaho Falls LDS Temple.
All around the falls were really cool benches. Each of them was really unique and neat.
Millons of ducks/geese everywhere!
Another neat bench.
A cool potato bench!
After walking around the falls, we walked to the train tracks.
I loved this peaceful walk. It was so lovely out. I had so much fun holding Jakes hand and could not stop smiling all evening from the fun afternoon we had.


  1. Beautiful! And I love your style, girl. Flamingos?? You've got my heart. :)

  2. looks like an awesome day, makes me really miss idaho :(

  3. those benches really are amazing! i love when communities support art as function.
