round 2 at the Tulip Festival!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Last Saturday after we got everything all cleaned up from the Queen Bee Boutique Market, since we were already at Thanksgiving Point, we all (mom and the Laubaughs) headed over to the Tulip Festival! The tulips were so beautiful the first time we saw them, but oh wow! They were even more beautiful this time! The sun was shinning and making the tulips so happy! They were all out and open and so beautiful!
Going into the Secret Garden.
LOVED the hot pink flowers!
I feel I kinda look like Elton John in this picture. haha
Tuney and the Tulips.
Visiting the pond.
Playing in the grass.
While at the Tulip Festival, we randomly saw our really good family friends the Ryan's. They were up here for graduation and we randomly bumped into them! It was great! We also ran into my cousin Taylor and her husband Lance. We had some fun reunions while seeing the tulips.
It was another awesome day at the Tulip Festival! If you live in the area, and haven't had the chance to go, GO! It is open till April 28th :)

The Grand America Hotel - All time BEST Buffet!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

When mom and the Laubaughs were in town, we had to make a little stop for some amazing food. Every time were all in town, we all HAVE to go to the Grand America Hotel Brunch! Oh my goodness, it is the best Brunch ever!!!  It is so good, the food high quality, and delicious! I would highly recommend going!
Kelsey, Jake, Mandy, Mom, Aunt Robin, Baby Brooklyn, Mitch, Rochelle, Uncle Brian.
I am a big fan of sushi! I could not stop eating it! Good thing its a BUFFET! Here is my round one!
Jake is a huge fan of the omelets! Here he is going for his first omelet.
We were sitting across from the dessert table. I would go grab a treat from it while I would go grab some other food.
Getting some protein in. This is seriously the best bacon I have ever eaten!
Omelet number 1.
Fresh squeezed pineapple juice!
Crepe filled with caramelized bannanans, mixed berries, and whipped cream.
Smoothie and juice shots! These were fun to try. They had so many fun juice shots to try!
These aebleskivers instantly became a table favorite. We all ate at least 3 of them....
Rochelle, Aunt Robin, Mama Bang
Jakey, Me, Mandy! Mandy is 7 months pregnant and looks awesome! I am so impressed.
Sushi round.......5. Isn't that the cutest baby egg roll ever?!
Sushi round......6 with a little aebleseiver in raspberry sauce.
Only the best water for baby Brooklyn.
Loving the awesome chandeliers in the entire hotel. They are all so cool and neat!
Omelet number 2....
Time for some desserts! Yum! They all looked so cute it was hard to pick what to I ate them all :)
Fabric walls. Neat.
Finished......we were all so full and very satisfied! So good!
Goodbye Grand America! We love your food!
Pretty entrance flowers to the hotel.
Me and my cute husband! Full and feeling good! Cant wait to pig out again for another brunch!